What is the Wealth Curve?
The Wealth Curve is the simple result of a powerful force known as compound interest. (When your principal investment gains interest and then your interest earns interest, that’s called compounding interest.) To build wealth, you must stay on the Wealth Curve.

At O & O Financial Services, we teach you how to stay on the Wealth Curve and enjoy the benefits of compound interest.

What does it mean to “Fall Off of the Wealth Curve”?

Each time you spend your hard earned cash, you lose all of the compound interest and growth potential your cash would have earn had it remained untouched – affecting you, your children and your grandchildren.

To stay on the Wealth Curve you simply need to do three things:
  1. Keep your money in a place where it can grow forever – tax free.
    • A properly structured Dividend-paying Mutual Whole Life Insurance Policy is best.
  2. Borrow any money you need to live on by using loans against the money in your policy.
    • You can borrow against the “Cash Value” of your policy any time, no questions asked.
  3. Pay yourself back with interest.
    • You were going to pay interest to a Banker anyway - so why not pay yourself?

The Wealth Curve: Click to Watch Video

“The most powerful force in the universe is compound interest”.
“Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it ...,
 he who doesn't ... pays it.”

Albert Einstein
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